36th Asian Medical Students' Conference 2015
White Paper
The White Paper Competition comprises of 2 components; a white paper and a promotional video. The presentation would be dependent on the public reception to the promotional video.
Competition Instructions
Write a White Paper
Write a white paper proposing a public health policy change with regard to the geriatric population in your own nation. Such a white paper should include recommendations for the society as a whole as well as that targeted specifically at medical students.
A white paper is an authoritative report or guide helping readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision. They are usually documents produced by the Government setting out details of future policy on a particular subject and used to gain feedback, before formally presenting the policy as a Bill.
Proposed content
Define a health condition of significance to the geriatric population in your country, including the epidemiology of the involved condition
Explore the status quo of the health condition in your country
Identify the problem(s) involved and the associated country’s policy/policies to target this problem(s)
Assess the effectiveness of your country’s policy/policies regarding this issue
Suggest either:
How to improve the policy OR
Suggest a new policy
The use of graphs and charts are permissible in the white paper
Trailer for White Paper
Based on the white paper that your chapter has worked on, come up with a promotional video/trailer to be screened to the delegates and judges at your conference.
Make a video to advertise your White Paper to all delegates.
Suggested Content: Reflective of your White Paper content (Status quo of health condition, problems and effectiveness of policy/policies, proposed changes) You are not limited to the suggested content.
The top 8 trailers (determined by popular vote after screening at the conference) will have the chance to present their white paper to a panel of judges and the delegates to compete for the overall top white paper award.
Oral Presentation
Only the top 8 trailers (votes from all delegates and judges) will get to present their white paper.
Aim of the presentation: Explain the content of the white paper.
Introduce the chosen health condition
Explain the status quo of the health condition
Identify problems with targeted policy/policies
Assess the effectiveness of these policy/policies
Your proposal of an improved or new policy
Judging Criteria
White Paper and Trailer
White Paper
Judges’ evaluation for White Paper: 100%
Accurate identification of problem, policies related and rigor of evaluation of policies: 40%
Proposal of improved or new policy including the originality: 30%
Evidence-based: 20%
Presentation including the style and language: 10%
Delegates’ votes: 80%
Judges’ evaluation: 20%
Prizes will be given to the “Best Overall Trailer”.
Top 8 trailers will have the chance to present their white paper to a panel of judges (oral presentation)
Oral Presentation
Judges’ evaluation: 100%
Content: 30%
Clarity: 40%
Question & Answer (Q&A): 30%
Prizes will be given to the “Best Oral Presentation Award”.
Based on the cumulative judging from all the 3 segments, prizes will be given to the top 3 White Papers.
Entry Requirement & Guidelines
White Paper
File format: Microsoft word document (.doc or .docx) or PDF format (.pdf)
Language: English only (If local words are used, English translations must be provided
Document format
Limited to 6 pages (including appendix)
Margins: top 2.00cm, bottom 2.00cm, left 1.50cm, right 1.50cm
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 11
Line spacing: single
Tables and Figures
Must be individually provided in separate files
Illustrations should be saved in JPEG or TIFF files - File name
Tables: “Paper-Country-Table #(number)” (e.g. “Paper-Singapore-Table #2
Figures: “Paper-Country-Figure #(number)” (e.g. “Paper-Singapore-Figure #1) - Photographs’ resolution should be 300 dpi
Compression must be set to maximum quality to prevent pixelated appearance
Name of Regional Chairperson & Director of authors and contact information of them (e-mail address & phone number)
File name: “Paper – Full paper – Country” (e.g. Paper – Full paper – Singapore)
Make an interesting video (maximum 3 min) that is reflective of your White Paper, including the proposed improvement/policy. Note that any videos with offensive images/scenes will be automatically disqualified and will not be screened. English subtitles are required for all dialogues. The video should be in .avi or .mov format.
The videos will be screened to all delegates. Voting by all delegates will take place after all the videos have been screened. The final score will be contributed by popular votes (80%) and judges’ votes (20%). The top 8 videos (determined by voting) will have the chance to present to a panel of judges for a chance to win “Best Presentation Award”.
The total score from the White Paper and the video will be added to determine the “Best Overall White Paper and Video” award. Prizes will also be given to the first and second runner-ups.
Oral Presentation
File Format: Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt or .pptx)
Language: English only
Length – 6 minutes of presentation, 4 minutes of Q&A
Maximum number of presenters: 3
Submission Procedure & Deadline
The complete White Paper should be submitted by May 22nd 2015.
The Regional Chairperson of each region should be in-charge of collecting the abstract and paper, and submit to AMSC 2015 at competitions.amsc2015@gmail.com
Email should be titled: [Public Health] White Paper & Video Submission – Country
The completed video should be stored in a thumbdrive or CD and submitted to the registration team at AMSC Singapore 2015 on arrival.